28 February 2007

Sin: An Honest Mistake?

The following was sent to me by my good friend Angie.

Last night's discussion around goodliness and righteousness nagged at me torecall this particular article, and nudged me to reread it. Theconversation of how cunning Satan can influence from within nominal Christian circles is more relevant now than ever. With strategies likelet's hook-them-in (occupy the seats) and indoctrinate later is an opendoor for blasphemy.

he study in 2 Peter 1 also led me to question how good an ambassador am Ifor my faith. Am I as zealous to preach the gospel as the JehovahWitnesses? Am I willing to die for my God as in the case of Islam? Am Iwilling to sacrifice everything of this world like the Buddhists? Wheredoes the actions of Christ-followers leave us?

I hope this article will sensitise us to the proliferation of humanisticviewpoints, even if that challenges my belief whether human beings areevil. Or is it their evil choices and deeds? I do believe that we are allin agreement that we are born sinners.- Angie

Within the last 100 years, a new gospel has crept into our churches. It hasbeen designed to not offend you. It has been carefully crafted not to betoo "in your face." It gently suggests that you open your heart to Jesus ifyour current lifestyle isn't working for you, and try God "when the time isright for you." ...

Sin: An Honest Mistake? by Kirk Cameron
I was recently at a large church outreach event where the music was wonderful, the testimonies were powerful, and the harvest for salvation was ripe. As I listened to the invitation to come to Jesus, something didn't feel right. I had seen altar calls so many times, and heard the familiar words so frequently, a year ago I would have missed it. The call for the people to come to Jesus went something like this:

"Today is like no other. You are here tonight by a divine appointment. Some of you here tonight are looking for peace inside. Some of you are looking for a way out of your drug and alcohol addictions. Some of you are silently suffering in a failing marriage. And some of you feel an emptiness inside your soul, and just need to know for sure that you are loved. My friend ... you are. I love you, and God loves you, and He has a wonderful plan for your life. He didn't create you to be in pain and suffering, but to know Him and be filled with peace, love, joy, happiness, and lasting fulfillment. He simply wants a personal relationship with you because He knows that what you need to be truly happy.

"But something keeps you from having this relationship with God, and it is called 'sin.' Let's face it, we've all made honest mistakes. You're not perfect, I'm not perfect, nobody's perfect. But God doesn't expect you to be perfect, that's why He sent His Perfect Son — so that you could have that relationship with Him again.

"If you will just admit your honest mistakes to God and say 'yes' to Jesus as your Savior, He will come into your heart and you will become a child of God. You will never be alone again, because you'll have Jesus, the ultimate friend riding 'shot-gun,' guiding you through life. That is eternal life — the abundant life Jesus came to give you. Would you like to have that life, that peace, that joy, that friend?

"If you want to know Jesus and find what you've been looking for, then invite Jesus into your heart. He's been waiting for you. He's been waiting for this very moment. Come now and simply accept Him."

Now you may be thinking, "What's wrong with that?" What's wrong is that it's not the gospel; it's a recipe for disaster. Sin is not an honest mistake and Jesus did not die to make you happy. Sins aren't accidents and God is not a lovesick celestial being, hoping for some nice person to ask Him into their heart so He can make them happy — as though He has a man-shaped hole in His heart that only we can fill.

The first problem with the false modern gospel is a watered-down definition of "sin." Sin is not an "honest mistake"; it is an honest choice from a sinful heart to do what you know is wrong. Would a good judge describe the crimes of a vicious murderer as "honest mistakes"? While it sounds ridiculous to call murder and rape "honest mistakes," God sees hatred to be as wicked as murder (1 John 3:15), and lust as deceitful as adultery (Matt 5:28). In God's world, those who lie are liars. If we have stolen, we are thieves. If we have broken God's Law in any way (in word, thought, or deed) we are Lawbreakers. God defines sin in His Word: "Sin is transgression of the Law" (1 John 3:4). We are on the hook for our sins, and God doesn't view us as innocent misguided victims of our "honest mistakes." In God's holy eyes, our hearts are "desperately wicked and deceitful" (Jer. 17:9) and we are "by nature, children of wrath."

Ignorance of God's Law is no excuse, because He has written it upon our hearts (see Romans 2:15). We have a conscience. We know right from wrong. When we lie, it isn't an honest mistake. Stealing and lusting, hating and blaspheming, idolizing, coveting, and dishonoring our parents are not honest mistakes either. Scripture says that we have actually angered God by violating His Law, and made ourselves "enemies of God," and therefore, are "by nature, children of wrath," "storing up wrath for ourselves that will be revealed on the Day of Wrath" (see Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:1-3 and Romans 2:4-5)

We are not doing sinners any favors when we minimize the seriousness of their sin. George Whitefield, a famous preacher once said, "First, then, before you can speak peace to your hearts, you must be made to see, made to feel, made to weep over, made to bewail, your actual transgressions against the Law of God." It is only when a person sees his sin as wicked and understands the seriousness of offending his Creator, that he can find a place of true repentance and surrender to the Savior.

Within the last 100 years, a new gospel has crept into our churches. It has been designed to not offend you. It has been carefully crafted not to be too "in your face." It gently suggests that you open your heart to Jesus if your current lifestyle isn't working for you, and try God "when the time is right for you."

This "seeker centered" and "no offense" approach is no gospel at all; it is "another gospel." If we continue to define sin as "honest mistakes," we will continue to fill our churches with "backsliders" and false converts who fail to repent because they don't see the seriousness of their sin. We will give them a cruel false hope, and make them comfortable aboard the "Jesus loves you" pleasure cruiser, singing songs to the Captain, while they blindly speed toward the iceberg of Eternal Justice.

The Captain has already lowered the life boats of salvation, but they are mostly empty. God help us to stop the music, and sound the air-horns. We must tell the passengers about the iceberg and direct them to the emergency exits of repentance. Time is slipping away, and those who die in their sins will perish. If we are faithful servants to the Captain of our Salvation, we will obey his Commands and preach the pure gospel, the only gospel that can save souls.

Take the shepherd's hand

"His name shall be called Immanuel, God with us ."
What does these words mean for us?
The great awesome God who created the universe promised us that he would never leave nor forsake us. Yes even me, of all people. God who loves us so much and wants a relationship with us, will do anything to bring us back to him even sending his Son to live with us, to die for us. Love that passes all understanding. It is a sobering thought that God is with me always, even when I mess up and I mess up often. But I know God is with me so that I don't have to face the messes of life alone. Jesus told us " I am with you always, even to the end of the earth." I know I am not but I know I AM.

Yes, God is with us, He walks with us, He holds our hand and He dries our tears.

God leads us. Jehovah Rohi, the shepherd who leads and cares for us. The Lord is my Shepherd. It is the most well know piece in the Bible. Most of us can quote it by heart. Sandy showed us that Psalm 23 is more than just a treasure trove of hope, encouragement, and peace. It is Jehovah Rohi. No other name of God carries the tenderness and intimacy of Jehovah Rohi. Love that passes all understanding. What joy it would be to just curl up on Jesus' lap and rest?

In light of Graeme Codrington's message last Sunday at BBC about "Fear in the New South Africa", have faith that your Shepherd is leading you into things that are pleasing and glorifying to Him! Let fear go and grab onto faith because He is Immanuel, God with you and Jehovah Rohi, your Shepherd!

I am finishing up with words from a song adapted from Psalm 23 by Larry Holder,

The Lord is my Shepherd; in Him I am free
His Word is my hope and my reason to be.
I will follow His leading and hold to His hand
By grace without measure I am able to stand.

In pastures of green He has led me each day
As cool waters flowing are found on the way.
By the bounty of heaven my soul is restored
To walk in the path of my Shepherd, my Lord.

In shadows of darkness at times I must trod
Yet safe in the strength of my Almighty God.
Of evil I'll fear not, nor darkness of night
His grace, ever present, reveals heaven's Light.

The Lord is my Shepherd; in Him I am free
His Word is my hope and my reason to be.
I will tell of His mercies, I'll sing it again
The Lord is my Shepherd, forever, amen.

21 February 2007

This is Bulgaria

Can you picture a place where God does not exist? Close your eyes for a while and try imagine a place where its people don't even know the existence of God.

Not easy, huh?

Could there be hope in such a place? A future even? Would evil reign when God does not exist?

Bulgaria is such a place. Just out of Communism and into the hands of the mafia, corrupt politicians and the sterile Orthodox Church. Communism had pushed their no god agenda to such an extent that the people don't know of God and his mercy. They can't even doubt the existence of God because they don't even know.

Be a light in this dark world. Jesus said in John 12:35 that those who walk in darkness don't know where they are going. Does Bulgaria know where they going? I suppose they think they know. On one side you have the mafia and on the other side corrupt politicians. Poverty on one side and cheap labour for the EU on the other. The vacuum left by communism on one side and the Orthodox church on the other. Talk about a rock and a hard place. It reminded me of this photograph I once saw of graffiti on a wall in Sofia which said "I love my land but hate my country".

Before Maia and Ruth came last Tuesday to speak to us about Maia's work in Bulgaria, I had this preconceived idea that Bulgaria had this cold grey personality. But Maia painted us a picture that beauty was within. The DVD and slides showed bits of colour in a grey world. Now I see Bulgaria as a dark grey country with a few lights of individuals who stand for God. What has changed? Someone was quoted saying I said to the man "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown" and he replied "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God" Maia obeyed and walked hand in hand back into Bulgaria.

All it takes is a tiny flicker of light in total darkness and everyone abiding in that darkness will see that light. For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." - 2Cor 4:6

Maia is daring to reach out her hand into the darkness and pull another hand into the light.

Andy left Maia with Isaiah 40
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31

Yes, God has a plan for you and even for Bulgaria. He has not forgotten. It reminds me of this old chorus which I used to sing in my youth. Now as some of you might know I can't hold a tune but bare with me ...

And Jesus said

Come to the water and stand by my side
I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied.

For I heard every tear drop as in darkness you cried
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died.

18 February 2007

Consecrate yourselves

Last week Denise did a wonderful job of leading us through Jehovah M’Kaddesh and Jehovah Shalom. How God has set us apart to lead holy lives and giving us rest in him. For those you missed out (and that is a lot of you) Denise has extra notes for you with quite a number of scripture references.

"Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the Lord your God. Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the Lord, who makes you holy.” Lev 20:7-8

To be Holy is to live a separate life in God but not separate from the world. To be in the world but not of the world. So here is a little challenge for you all. “Be the person who catches others doing the right thing “. Let me explain myself. It is so easy now that we are sanctified to get into a fault finding habit. Sound familiar? Yes I’ve been there done that and got the T-shirt. God has forgiven us, blessed us and separated us but we tend to forget that and we begin looking at the negative in other people. We breed a critical spirit when we focus on the short comings of others. So this week be the person who catches others doing the right thing. Look for what is good, what is true, and what is right in other people and be careful not to judge those who fall short of your standards because you will be judged by God’s standard.

This coming Tuesday will be a special evening as we will have special two guests with us, Maia and Ruth. Zestful Maia or as I remember her name from an eighties cartoon character “Maia the Bee”, is a wonderful lady who has this zest for life and to be God’s faithful servant. The evening I am told will have an outreach focus, so please make sure that you don’t miss finding out more on the Land of the Roses.

It is a mindset. As Maia says “Live to love life, as to live the live.” Just this week, look for what is good, right, and true in the people you are with.

03 February 2007

He will not grow tired

Well what can I say about last Tuesday.

Nothing, that’s right absolute nothing. I was so tired that I don’t remember much.

I have been exhausted for sometime now, I even wake up feeling tired which I know is not good. My vital energies might be worn out and spent but I know that in Isaiah 40:28 it says "The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary …” Now that is reassuring, that when we are out of energy we can come and put our heads on his lap and rest.

That reminds me of a friend, Ivy who runs a street children’s home in Bertrams. When a new child comes in from the street, they just sleep and sleep and sleep. She asked a child once why do you sleep so long when you first arrive. The child answered because for the first time they feel safe to drop their guard and sleep.

Yes life can be so exhausting, but in God we find a strong tower (Proverbs 18:10), there we can rest, regain our strength knowing that we are in God’s protection. Back to Isaiah 40 at verse 31 we read “… but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Let me leave with this words of encouragement, (it seems that I am stuck in Isaiah, this time Isaiah 41:9-13 ) …

"You are My servant;
I have chosen you and not rejected you.
Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored;
those who contend with you will be as nothing, and will perish.
you will seek those who quarrel with you, but will not find them,
Those who war with you will be as nothing, and non-existent.
For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand,
Who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.

And in my tiredness I leave you with this thought…

We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.

02 February 2007


Well I am feeling more alert than last week, but a bit on the sunburned side. Words of a song comes to mind “If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.” Last night while installing a new ethernet hard drive to our network at home, I sat up hit my head on the bottom of the table thereby scrapping off some sunburned skin. I can still feel it.

Anyway moving swithly along, this past Tuesday Andy continued with the names of God covering Jehovah Raphah (The God who Heals) and Jehovah Nissi (God my Banner).

God my Banner, well we have been called to join the ranks of God’s army. We can march with our heads held up high with God’s banner in front of us knowing that we have God’s protection. With the banner of God going before us we will be Victorious. He gave us the whole armour of God in Ephesians 6:10-18. Not to stand in the corner to get rusted. Not to be just polished and made all shiny BUT to be used. When armour is used in battle it gets dented, by the enemies weapons.

And do you know what the good thing is about wearing God’s armour, we can get the dents repaired by God because he is the God who heals.

The root word rophe implies spiritual, emotional as well as physical healing. Yes God heals the body, soul and spirit. From a simple point of view I see it like this, when I get sick I would go to my doctor. He will examine me and then after some tests give his diagnoses. He will then prescribe some medicine and give me instructions on how not to get sick again.

We have proof in the Word that God healed physically as well as spiritually and he left us the instruction book how not to get sick again. God still heals today. Jesus referred to himself in Matthew 9:12 as a physician.

Here is an old hymn by Charles Wesly

Soldiers of Christ arise,
And put your armour on,
Strong in the Strengh which God supplies
Thro’ his Eternal Son;
Strong in the Lord of Hosts,
And in his mighty power,
Who in the strengh of Jesus trusts
Is more than conqueror.

But trust me on the sunscreen…