28 January 2009

Rules of Engagement

Our home cell started this year with The Sinai Code by Andy Stanley. I was not sure what to expect with the Bible Code and Da Vinci's Code bellowing out there in the world. But going by the first part of the series Rules of Engagement I think we are going to know God differently by seeing Him through the rules that He gave us. It came clear to me listening to Andy that God wants a relationship with us.

My pass view of the Old Testament was God revealing Himself but it never sank home that He wanted a personal relationship with us. To me it was only in the Garden of Eden and way later in the New Testament was the love character of God revealed. But here in Exodus 20, it becomes clear that the rules were not given as condition of a relationship with God but rather as a confirmation.

In other words God is not saying here are some rules to live by if you want a relationship with me. Get it right and then we can talk. No says that we are already in a relationship with Him and the rules are just for your protection. Andy went on and gave an analogy about his black Labrador and the fence. If the dog gets out of the yard doesn't mean the dog isn't his anymore. He has purchased the dog and the fence is just there to protect the dog from the dangers outside.
It is impossible to obey God's commandments so that we can be perfect to have a relationship with Him unless somebody does something. What is impossible for us is possible with God. God came to the party and purchased us.

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